Monday, June 8, 2020

Portlights (Part 2)

June 8, 2020

With a date set for the delivery of the Allied 24, I wanted to maintain the pace of work to meet that deadline.  Granted, the heavy lifting has been addressed, there were a number of odds and ends that remained.  Finishing the home-office work day, I headed over to the boat to continue restoration of the port lights.  I grabbed the starboard midships port and cleaned it up to the point of being ready for reinstallation.  The work involved removing the larger globules of butyl tape through the use of an old flathead screwdriver, and then wire-brushing the remaining residue with the aide of mineral spirits to break it down.  Finally, I used a razor blade to remove the paint layers, and then sanded with 320-grit to hone the surfaces.

I had a bit more time in the evening, so I began the disassembly of the port side forward port light. I managed to remove all of the fasteners, and align them in their proper orientation on the card stock.  

Total Time Today: 1.25 hrs

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