Monday, June 29, 2020

Completing the Deck Scupper Lines

June 29, 2020

I grabbed a bit of time on the Allied 24 today and completed the deck scupper lines.  I had to pay a couple trips to the marine store for a few quality316 stainless hose clamps, but with that I was ready to complete this task. 

The two deck scuppers, either side of the coaming board cubby, both drain into one thru-hull emptying into the cockpit.

With a bit of time left, I turned my attention to a few hardware items that required base plates to be secured to.  I started with the hook and latch for the companionway landing platform (the piece of hardware on the left in the photo below). 

Using the hardware, I was able to identify the location of the base plate - the underside of the bridge deck, and just outboard of the opened landing platform.  The hook and latch hardware would serve to keep the lading platform lid / battery box open for general inspection an/or maintenance.  I fabricated the base plate, sanded through to 320-grit paper, and then treated the teak with teak oil.

Total Time Today: 1.25 hrs

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