Saturday, June 6, 2020

First Coat of Deck & Cockpit Paint

June 6, 2020

Not sure what happened with the camera and file transfer, but the laptop was not recognizing any photos.  

I set out today to sand and apply the first coat of topsides paint to the cockpit, deck, and coachroof.  I started by sanding the few areas that I had just recently spot-primed.  Once I had cleaned the surfaces, I applied tap as needed to remark the nonskid paint from the finish paint.  

With all tape lines in place, I began to sand the surfaces to be painted today - the non' nonskid surfaces.  I worked my way around the boat, including delving into the cockpit, in abut two and a half hours.  Next, I thoroughly vacuumed the surfaces and then wiped them down with a rag wetted with acetone.  I returned to the shop and mixed two small pots of paint: the first was for the larger field areas to be painted, and the second was for the tight areas that I could not successfully get a foam roller.  For those tight spaces, I used a disposable spray "gun" (thank you TL!).  The tight spaces I am referring to are the gutters outboard of the cockpit settees, the gutters around the small locker aft of the tiller, and the gutters around the cockpit settee lockers.  These units are incredibly useful, and are moving me to get into HVLP topcoat application!
I finished the fields with the foam roller, laying down a smooth first coat.  In the coming days, I will sand and prepare for the second and third coat of deck (and cockpit) paint.

Total Time Today: 6.75 hrs

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