Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Final Install of Interior Trim

May 12, 2020

I worked this afternoon to complete the interior trim installation.  After bringing the completed v-berth insert to the boat and setting it into place, I turned to the completing the primary bulkhead trim. With several grits of sand paper, I hand-sanded the trim in order to remove saw marks and to round over the edges.  After cleaning up of the surfaces by vacuuming and a quick acetone wipe down, I applied a couple coats of teak oil.  

I then prepped the surfaces of the trim pieces that would dress the intersecting planes of the bulkheads and the cabin settees aft and then the bulkheads and v-berth forward.  I sanded the surfaces of the trim where they would engage the cabin structure, as well as the settees, v-berth, and primary bulkheads.  After cleaning up, I wetted the surfaces with epoxy resin and then bonded them in place with thickened epoxy - using larger chunks of concrete to weight them and secure them inlace while the epoxy cured.  

I then mounted the balance of the v-berth trim forward, and then mounted the cabin settee trim aft.  

Total Time Today: 2.5 hrs

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