Saturday, May 2, 2020

Final Coat of Interior Paint & Oiling the Interior Trim

May 2, 2020

I grabbed a couple hours on the Allied 24 today to complete the interior painting, as well as moving the interior trim to the point of being ready for installation.  I sanded all surfaces with 180-grit paper, followed by a thorough vacuuming and wipe down with a solvent-laced towel.  

I applied the final coat of Interlux Premium Yacht Enamel to the v-berth and cabin, rolling it out with a 6" foam roller.  After completing the interior of the Allied, I moved back to the shop to apply paint to the v-berth insert.

After paint, I gathered the interior trim that I had recently finish-sanded.  After wiping them down with a solvent to remove residual sanding dust and teal oils, I applied a 'teal oil' to treat the and preserve the wood.

I applied the oil to as much of the surface area that I could, but knew that additional work here would be required.

Total Time Today: 2 hrs

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