Monday, April 27, 2020

V-berth Trim (Part 2)

April 27, 2020

I had only a little bit of time to work on the Allied 24 today, so I chose to continue working on the v-berth trim.  In a previous work session, I had assembled the v-berth insert, to include epoxy-gluing the center trim piece.  Today, I removed the protective tape and generally cleaned up the surfaces by hand-sanding, easing the sharp 90-degree edges on the center trim piece.  Next steps for the v-berth insert was to disassemble the outboard trim boards, paint, and then reassemble.

Next, I worked on the v-berth fiddles, located just aft of the insert.  After rethinking how I wanted the trim to come together in the v-berth, I needed to extend both fiddles by roughly 3/4".  In the previous session, I glued extensions on the ends of the fiddles, replicating the angles to which they would encounter the aft portion of the v-berth insert.  Today, I carefully removed material in the extension to continue the rabbit cut into the surface that would mate with the v-berth itself.

After removing the unwanted material from the extensions, I thoroughly sanded the surfaces, including easing edges, to prep for installation.

Total Time Today: 1 hr

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