Thursday, April 16, 2020

Balance of the Cabin Trim

April 16, 2020

Working to complete the trim within the cabin and v-berth; I have set a goal to complete all trim work by the coming weekend.  Today, I set out to complete the cabin trim.  I had, in the prior work session, fabricated the inboard edge trim for the primary bulkheads, so I was now ready to complete the balance of the trim on the settees.  I started by taking measurements and then selecting off-cuts of the teak stock with intent to fabricate the trim at the forward end of the settees where they meet the aft face of the primary bulkheads.  The dimensions chosen were 1.25" in height by .75" in width.  I made the necessary cuts, including rabbits to accept a fiberglass flange, and then set them in place.

Next, I completed the trim by creating a fiddle for the inboard edge of the settees.  I originally had planned to run a continuous length of trim from the aft face of the primary bulkhead and aft to just forward of the interior surface of the cockpit well.  This would have allowed for the trim to run alongside the landing platform / battery box for the 48V Torqueedo battery.  However, I chose to create two pieces, the longer trim piece running from the aft face of the primary bulkhead to the forward face of the landing platform, and a second piece completing the run back to the interior surface of the cockpit well. This would allow for flexibility and ease in disassembling the landing platform in the event that service is require.

With the inboard settee edge trim completed, I could now move on to the v-berth trim.  The v-berth trim would have to wait another day, however.  

I still need to come back and shape the trim boards, and ease edges, and of course oil them.  

Total Time Today: 4 hrs


  1. Brian, I am pleased to join your blog. Terrific information and illustrations! I have a 1969 Allied 24. Has been out of the water since 2015 on a trailer. I am about to begin a restoration next month. I cant tell you how helpful your refit is to me.


  2. Great, Bill. The owner of this Allied 24 is anxious to get her in the water, as I bet you are too! Let me know if you ever have questions. -Brian


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