Sunday, March 29, 2020

Dry-Fitting the Companionway Trim

March 28, 2020

With deck paint in the near future, I needed to get the companionway trim installed in order to make final dimension adjustments, mark locations for nonskid paint lines, and to begin the varnish work.

I began by installing the companionway hatch rails.  In a previous work session I had marked and over-drilled the location of the companionway rail fasteners, and then filled these larger diameter holes with thickened epoxy.  The filling of these larger holes with thickened epoxy, and once the fasteners were installed, would serve to protect the surrounding new balsa core material.  I pre-drilled through the solid epoxy for the companionway rails' #10 fasteners.

I then placed the rails in position and, from below, then drilled up into the bottom of the rails, just marking where I would continue to pre-drill for the fasteners.  I removed the rails and completed the pre-drilling effort. With the rails off, I slightly opened up the diameter of the pre-drilling holes through the thickened epoxy; the pre-drilling effort into the rails themselves was done with a 1/8" drill bit.

I returned the rails to their final position and secured them with the #10 screws and finish washer.

The profile of the new hatch and rail assembly really improved the look of the coach roof.

Next, I moved on to installing the trim around the companionway entrance itself.  This interior lip would also serve to channel rainwater outboard of the companionway.

A view from inside the cabin, with the hatch pulled aft.

The last thing I got to today was the filling and fairing of the screw holes and fiberglass on the v-berth floor.  This was the previous location for the head, where I removed two through-hull fittings, opened up the access to the forward portion of the bilge, and fabricated a hatch board / covering board.

Total Time Today: 4.25 hrs

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