Monday, February 24, 2020

First Coat of Topsides Paint

February 24, 2020

Not wanting to wait too long from the time I freshly sanded the topsides, I made an effort this morning to put the first coat of topsides paint onto the hull.  Upon arriving at the boat, I immediately mixed a batch of the Alexseal Flag Blue topcoat paint.  I needed to wait for approximately 20 minutes to allow the two-part paint to mix and activate.  While I waited out the induction period, I thoroughly wiped the surface down with damp towel, followed by several rags dampened with solvent.  I worked the surfaces of the boat's topsides until I removed all traces of sanding residue. 

I began on the starboard counter (aft) and worked my way forward, waiting from the waterline up.  I made sure to work at a steady pace to keep a wet edge from the recently painted areas, allowing for a seamless blend.  When I reached the bow, I made the turn to port and proceeded to work my way aft. I completed the first coat of topsides at the transom of the boat.  The paint lays down in thin coats, and so will require another three to four coats for me to be happy with the minimum mils of paint thickness  The paint marks an important milestone, and presents this Allied 24 nicely.

Total Time Today: 2 hrs

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