Friday, December 20, 2019

Completing the Lazarette & Sanding the Cockpit Locker Lids

December 20, 2019

I removed the peel ply from the recent tabbing of the shelves onto the hull and aft cockpit bulkhead, removed the protective paint from the shelf itself, and then proceeded to sand the edges of the tabbing both with the 1" belt sander and by hand.

After cleaning up the edges of the tabbing, I thoroughly vacuumed the lazarette to remove the sanding dust.  I followed the vacuuming with a solvent wipe down to take up any remaining sanding residue and to prep for paint.   

I headed over to the shop and mixed a bit of the TotalBoat epoxy-based barrier coat that I had been using for the entire interior (in white and grey), as both a primer coat for the Interlux topcoat in the cabin and as a "bilge paint" for surfaces underneath the settees, v-berth and of course the lazarette.  

I applied the paint with a foam roller and a brush, and then removed the tape protecting the fiddles from accidental paint encounters.  With the exception of the lazarette hatch installation and the electric motor installation, the lazarette is complete.

Back in the shop, I hand-sanded the areas to tight for the small 5" random orbital sander to get into.  With compressed air I blew off the locker lids and wiped them down with acetone.  I then mixed up a bit of TotalBoat TotalFair (the two part epoxy fairing putty), and with a squeegee faired the small shallow spots over the surfaces of the lids.  That would wrap things up for this cold, windy, and wet day.

Total Time Today: 2.5 hrs

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