Monday, December 23, 2019

Coaming Board Return Blocks and Coaming Board Fitting

December 23. 2019

With some last minute Christmas shopping out of the way...c'mon guys, you know what I'm talking about!...I set out to get the first sealer coat of varnish on the coaming return blocks.  I removed the protective tape and sanded smooth the thickened epoxy used to seal and strengthen the opening seams in the wood.  I sanded the the blocks smooth and prepped them for their first sealer coat of varnish.

I laid down a thinned coat of Epifanes clear gloss varnish, coming back a fee times to ensure a good first sealer coat.

I left the coaming blocks in the shop and headed out to the boat to fit the coaming boards.  I started with the port side coaming board, and with a combination of the 1" belt sander, a hand plane (seen in the photo below, at the base of the coaming board), and hand-sanding, I was able to fine-tune the fit of the board. 

I repeated the process for the starboard side and also dialed-in the fit of the coaming board.  Back in the shop, I brought the "belly" of the starboard coaming up a bit, providing some balance with the port coaming.

The fresh teak ADDS SO MUCH to this classic pocket cruiser.

Total Time Today: 4 hrs

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