Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Glassing in the Cockpit Scuppers & Spot-Fairing the Cockpit Well

December 24, 2019

I had just a bit of time today to devote to the refit of this Allied 24, so I got straight at the work - glassing in the cockpit scupper drains.  

Using the 1" belt sander, to work quickly and in tight spaces, I sanded the underside of the cockpit well and the flange of the drain.  I needed to ensure that the surface of the flange and the underside of the cockpit well was roughed-up (keyed to accept a mechanical bond of epoxy).

With the sanding out of the way, I vacuumed the surfaces and then wiped them down with solvent to remove any remaining sanding residue.  Back in the shop, I cut lengths of fiberglass to wrap on the flange and the underside of the cockpit well.  I finished things off with peel ply in order to cut down on the need for water-washing and sanding prior to painting the surfaces.

The last item on the list today was spot-fairing the cockpit well.  There were a number of voids on the surface of the cockpit well floor and verticals...hence the pox!  With TotalBoat TotalFair, I applied the  fairing compound to the numerous small voids.  In the next work session I will sand these spots fair and finish off with primer paint.

Total Time Today: 2 hrs

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