Friday, April 26, 2019

Sanding, Sanding, Sanding

April 26, 2019

A grueling day of sanding!  I managed to get most of the detail work done today, requiring hand sanding in tight radius curves; I also managed to progress through the 5" DA random orbital, 6" DA random orbital, the 1" wide belt sander, and of course the finely tuned fingers for hand sanding.  I covered essentially the length of the boat, sanding areas that the tools could not get to, and then repeated my efforts with the tools fit for the particular surface being worked.

I also managed to get back on the ground, and continued prep work on the sail drive mounting surface.  I ground a taper around the depression forward of the old engine well to eventually accept a layer or two of 1708 biaxial cloth.

Most of the structure (G-10 board), with broad lengths of 1708 biaxial to spread the loads that the engine will place on the boat's hull while in service, will be built up on the interior surface within the existing lazarette.  The old engine well will be glassed in as well, further saving to spread loads across the interior surfaces.  

Not much today in the way of interesting photos, or descriptions, but an essential day!

Total Time Today: 5 hrs

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