Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Installing Deck and Cockpit Scuppers

June 24, 2020

Arriving at the boat today, my first order of business was to measure for the installation location of the drain line for the deck scuppers.  On both port and starboard side decks, and either side of the coaming board cubby, are two deck drains.  The logical solution is to have these drain into the cockpit, and subsequently into the cockpit scuppers through the seacocks and overboard.

So to that end, I prepared a measurement and then a cutting for installation of a drain into the cockpit.

I set the drain through-hull 16.5" aft of the bridge deck, raised 2.5" off the cockpit sole.  I used the appropriate hole saw for the installation, thoroughly vacuuming and wiping down the work area after removing the section of fiberglass.

The picture below shows the drain line in place, pre-installation.  

I gathered the necessary supplies, including the Sitka Flex 291 LOT, and headed back to the boat for final install.

I placed a generous amount of 291 LOT on the underside of the drain through-hull flange, set it into position, and then from the backside, I threaded on the flange nut and tightened it into position with a pair of channel pliers.  I cleaned up the squeeze out and called it a success.

Next, I moved on to the deck scuppers.  Again, there are two to the port side and two to the starboard side.  The lot of them were covered in paint, and being bronze, they deserved to show off their bronzey-green patina.

I used a series of grits to reveal their bright bronze coloration.  Over time they will patina to that aforementioned green hue.

I then scuffed up the install surfaces, wiped both the scuppers and the deck down with acetone, gooped on enough Sitka Flex 291 LOT, and then set them into position.  After the scuppers were set into position, I went below to attach a locking pair of vice grips on each of the scuppers' backing nuts.  I used a through-hull step wrench to secure the scupper, and then removed the squeeze out bedding compound.  That would complete the short session for the day.

Total Time Today: 2 hrs

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