Sunday, June 28, 2020

Companionway Landing Platform, Deck Scupper Lines, and Companionway Final Trim

June 28, 2020

Today? Today was a session.  When I left the boat, at 7:48pm, the temperature was 93 degrees.  Don't want to come off as a millennial snowflake, but today was a session!  

I started by completing the installation of the battery switch for the high-powered cables.  In the previous work session, I mounted a number of zip-tie mounts onto the fiberglass using thickened epoxy, as well as the mounting pad for the battery switch itself - a rough 5 x 7-inch teak base.

I mounted the battery switch, and using the zip-ties, secured the runs of the cables both to the eventual battery installation as well, aft, to the control box.  The control box will be mounted on the mid-cockpit bulkhead and within the port cockpit locker.

Next, I turned my attention to the companionway landing platform.  I had a stainless steel piano hinge  to secure it to a cleat so that it could be raised and lowered with removal.  I placed the platform lid in place and made marks for the installation of the hinge.  After pre-drilling for fasteners on the underside of the lid, I installed the piano hinge.

I had to make a number of cuts and easing material away with the sander to finally arrive at a workable lid.  In the coming days, I will work to secure a latch that will allow the lid to remain in an open position while work/maintenance is being performed.

With the completion of the companionway landing platform and the aft battery support installed, I started on the deck scupper lines next.  I used a "T" connector on the aft deck drain and a simple 90-degree on the forward deck drain.  The aft "T" connecter will take the water from the deck and carry it through to the cockpit.  I will need to add a couple additional 90-degree elbows for this water management plan, so  over the coming day this will be completed.

The idea was to limit the number of hoses, and force the schematic into as small a footprint as possible.  I wanted an "out of the way" installation, at least as much as possible.

It could have been the heat, or the acetone fumes, but I swore that I took more pictures of the companionway final installation!  Anyway, you can see a good portion of it, but to be clear:  I bedded with Stika Flex and installed the port and starboard companionway hatch rails, the port and starboard companionway trim, the forward companionway trim, the companionway threshold, and the port and starboard companionway vertical trim.  

To complete the day, I then installed the forward hatch.  Whilst departing the boat I remembered that I had not took a photo of this hatch install....but Ill get a few pics tomorrow.

Total Time Today: 7.5 hrs

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