Sunday, April 5, 2020

V-berth Floor, Battery Box Floor & Cleats, and Tiller

April 5, 2020

I started today's session by sanding the initial fairing filler I applied to the v-berth floor.  Using 60-grit paper, I sanded these tight areas by hand to knock down the fairing filler standing proud of the surrounding surface.

After cleaning up the area by with a thorough vacuuming, I then wiped it down with a rag dampened with acetone.  Next, I applied another round of fairing filler, this time using West System's 410 microlight thickening agent.  Finally, I applied the last coat of epoxy barrier coat paint to this uppermost area of the bilge.

I then turned aft and applied a final coat of this epoxy barrier coat paint to the interior of the battery box / landing platform.

Back in the shop, and with the remaining epoxy barrier coat paint, I finished sealing the cleats for the battery box.

In the photo above, I will be completing these side panels with a coat of white paint to their exterior, or outboard, surfaces.

I finished the short work session by sanding the tiller with 220-grit paper and applying the second coat of Epifanes clear varnish.

I will be building up the varnish with a total of between 6 to 8 coats before calling it done. 

Total Time Today: 2.25 hrs

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