October, 7, 2019
I grabbed some time this evening to catch up on some much needed sanding. Over the last couple months, among many other things, I had applied a coat of the TotalBoat TotalProtect (an epoxy-based barrier coat) as both an epoxy base but also to highlight the imperfections in the surface. Following the epoxy base coat, I applied a TotalBoat epoxy fairing compound to the various low spots and voids.
Today, I sanded those areas that I had applied the fairing compound, and the balance of the deck and cockpit. In the coming days I will be applying the first coat of Alexseal primer, so it was important that I get this sanding behind me. I did find, however, a small area on the aft edge of the bridge deck that needs to be recored! Yes, you read that correctly. This is a spot that I had noticed a while back, and had been watching it over time. It appeared to be a shallow gouge running roughly 3" from port to starboard. With the constant in and out of the cabin, and moving around in the cockpit, the top skin eventually failed. The good: it's a small area and will be a quick repair; the bad: it will hold up that one spot from getting the upcoming primer coat.
No pictures today...we've all seen sanding pictures!
Total Time Today: 3 hrs
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