Sunday, April 14, 2019

Fitting V-berth Platform

April 14, 2019

I managed to get a couple hours in today.  I struggled in the heat, had to pack for a quick trip at the head-end of the week, and knocked out some chores around the house.  With interior paint supplies arriving recently, I wanted to focus on getting the settee and v-berth platforms finished so that I could paint out lockers and the platforms themselves.  I focused today on the v-berth platform.  

I had yet to cut out the aft locker openings to port and starboard, so I started with some detailed trimming of the platform to get the final fit I wanted.  With the platforms in place - the v-berth platform was comprised of two boards - from underneath, I traced the existing aft locker openings to both starboard and port - transferring them onto the underside of each platform board.

Next, I expanded and marked an additional 1.5" to the openings.  With the cleats mounted to the underside the platform boards, the openings would have narrowed without expanding the existing locker openings.  Now with the cleats mounted, I will preserve the existing dimensions of the locker openings.

I used an oscillating tool, I followed the lines and expanded the locker openings.

I also removed the gelcoat in random areas to allow a good bond between the fiberglass molded v-berth and the new plywood v-berth platform. 

I moved forward and removed gelcoat at the peak of the v-berth as well.

I set things aside and headed over the workshop to prepare cleats for the platform boards.  I grabbed some mahogany stock and planed it to 3/4" in thickness, and then ripped several lengths to 1.5" in width.  I then cut 4 lengths to 8", and 4 lengths to 12", rounded the edges to remove hand-biters, and then set them aside for eventual installation.  That would wrap up a short work session...heat!!!

Total Time Today: 2.5 hrs

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