Saturday, March 16, 2019

Sanding & Fairing

March 16, 2019

The interior work is drawing to a close, at least the larger items.  There is the matter of the small bulkheads to enclose the aft portion of the v-berth platform, the anchor locker / collision bulkhead, and the strengthening of the chainplate knees, but those were rapidly drawing to a close as well.  Today, I set out to complete the foredeck repair (from within) and generally sand to a fair surface the various areas that I have been addressing as either core replacement or old control faces / fastener holes.  I began by water-washing all of the previous epoxy work in order to remove the waxy amine blush.  I then got started by sanding the overhead in the forepeak - this was the repair made to the foredeck.  The surface is now ready for either paint or tabbing to secure the future anchor locker / collision bulkhead.

I then turned my attention to the various spots on the deck and cockpit that I had filled (whether new balsa core or fiberglass), and began to sand the prior application of fairing compound.  I began with the aft deck and worked my way forward.

I sanded the forward portion of the cockpit well,

and moved up onto the bridge deck, aft bulkhead of the cabin, and the coachroof itself.

I then moved over to the starboard side deck to continue bringing these areas into fair.

I then worked my way forward on the starboard side deck, with just minimal sanding required with 80-grit discs.

I finished the sanding with the foredeck, but recognized areas that required additional coats of fairing compound.

To that end, I vacuumed and solvent-washed the recently sanded surfaces, and then mixed the first of three pots of thickened epoxy.  I began the new round of fairing on the foredeck.  With a 12"-long knife, I drew the fairing compound across the foredeck repair area with the intent to fill the low spots.    

                      The next round of sanding will reveal areas requiring further work, if any. 

I then worked my way aft on the starboard side deck, filling the various pinholes and voids with the fairing compound.

As I approached the aft of the cabin, I worked my way up on the coachroof and then the aft bulkhead of the cabin itself.

I finished out the day by fairing the various spots in the cockpit, as well as the aft deck.  The prep work to create a great looking finish topcoat of paint really is equal to the labor one is willing to direct to it.  There are spots within the cockpit that I have yet to address...I'm thinking that those will be on tomorrow's docket.   

Total Time Today: 5.5 hrs

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