Sunday, April 19, 2020

Topside Coats 3 & 4

April 19, 2020

With yesterday afternoon's hand-sanding marathon accomplishment, I felt the only natural follow up would be to apply the subsequent rounds of topside paint.  I arrived at the boat early to begin the process for prepping the painting surfaces.  I wiped down the hull with a damp rag, and then followed that up with solvent-dampened rags to remove the balance of the sanding residue.

While I was cleaning the hull, the two-part paint was catalyzing in the shop.

I thinned the paint appropriately after completing the hull preparations, and then began the paint application.  It took nearly and hour to get the third coat on, and decided to go for another coat while I was at it early in the day.

The fourth coat went on fine.  The plan is for a fifth and final coat of paint sometime next weekend.

Total Time Today: 3 hrs

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