Monday, February 3, 2020

Port Toe Rail Dry-fit and Taff Rail

February 3, 2020

Gaining a day in the project work, I got to work today installing the port toe rail.  As I had done with the starboard rail, I first drilled out a hole for the bung, followed by pre-drilling for the tap.

I worked my way from bow to stern, installing the #12-24 fasteners as I went. 

By the time I finished the port toe rail, there was an equal number of fasteners on the port side as I had installed on the starboard side, 31 machine screws.

As I finished the port toe rail, I quickly moved into the taff rail dry-fit install.  I used #12-24 fasteners for the install, as I did for the toe rails.  The install was straight forward: drill for the 1/2" bung, pre-drill for the tap, tap the opening for the #12-24 machine screw, and install screw.  

Just a couple overview shots of the work today...

The next big install (dry-fit) will be the companionway hatch and coaming boards; once complete, I will begin the painting process.  

Total Time Today: 5.5 hrs

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