Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Deadlight Frames & Sanding

November 6, 2019

With a bit of time in the evening to give to the Allied 24, I got to work on unclamping the deadlight frames...

...and then sanding the squeeze out epoxy from the glue-up.  Later in the work session, I continued work on cleaning up the port deadlight - a tenacious battle with butyl tape.

I moved over to the motor mount aperture that required a bit of alteration.  Due to the location of the motor mount, as dictated by the lazarette bulkhead, I needed to alter the angle of the assembly of the Torqeedo motor,  I did this by gluing in a G-10 board that replicated the shape of the Torqeedo motor.

With the G-10 fiberglass board installed and rectifying the angle of attack needed for the motor, I proceeded to trim the excess fiberglass, and also smooth the transition onto the counter of the boat.

The work came out as planned, as can be seen in the photograph below, the angle of attack is moving downward from forward to aft.  

Total Time Today: 1 hr

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