Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sanding the Outboard Edge of the Hull (Rails)

October 13, 2019

Having arrived back in town on a trip, the family ran a few required errands before arriving home and allowing me to get a couple hours on the boat.  The task for this afternoon was sanding the outboard edge of the hull (i.e. the rails).  I had applied fairing compound in the days previous to fill voids, gouges, gashes, low-spots, and the like.  Today, I would be taking the material down to fair it in with the surrounding surfaces.  I began on the starboard side of the boat, about amidships.

I worked my way forward on the starboard side, using 60-grit discs as well 150-grit discs, both without and without a slender block of wood to help maintain the plane.  At the bow, I turned to port and worked my way aft.

The process was essentially rough sanding with the 60-grit paper and the block of wood to knock down most of the material.  I then would transition to hand sanding with the 60-grit paper, and then turn to sanding with the 150-grit paper and the block of wood.  I finished by hand sanding with the 150-grit paper.

I wrapped things up where I had begun the sanding session.  In the coming days I will be applying the first round of topcoat primer paint.  The surface is now refined enough to begin the finish paint process.

Total Time Today: 2.5 hrs

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