Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Finishing the Forward Hatch Caulking & Sanding the Deck

October 2, 2019

I managed to get some work done on the boat in the later afternoon / early evening.  With the arrival of the teak deck caulk, I got started on finishing the forward hatch.  Both hatches are now finished, and I've noticed that the lazarette hatch and the left side of the forward hatch is already seeing the caulking cure - getting firmer everyday.  I will wait another few days before sanding to prep for varnish work.

With the hatch out of the way, I grabbed a few sanding discs and headed over to the boat.

I focused on sanding the tight corners and radius transitions from vertical to horizontal plane - the areas that the finish sander could not reach effectively.  

I moved around the aft side deck from starboard to port, sanding the poop deck as well.

The picture above shows the fine fairing filler not sanded (dark green) as well as sanded (the lighter shade of green).

I worked my way forward to sand the forward hatch frame, as well as some other tighter spots before running out of time.  More sanding to come in the tomorrow's session.

Total Time Today:  2.5 hrs

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