Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Assembling the Companionway Hatch Frame & Top

October 23, 2019

I picked up where I had left off yesterday evening on the companionway hatch, and so it was now time to assemble the hatch frame and top.  I began by sanding both sides of the recently glued up hatch top, using the 6" Bosch and 80-grit discs.  The top cleaned up nicely.  After sanding the excess epoxy from the surfaces, I blew it off with some compressed air, followed by a wipe down with solvent to remove the remaining wood dust.

I mixed a small pot of epoxy resin and wet out the bottom of the hatch top... well as the top of the hatch frame.

With the balance of resin in my pot, I added colloidal silica to it in order to thicken it up.  I spread a fair amount on the top of the hatch frame, flipped it over, and then placed it onto the bottom of the hatch top.  I carefully aligned the two components, and secured the top and frame with a number of clamps.  I came back and cleaned up the epoxy squeeze out from both the exterior and interior of the frame.  Routing work will come next, as I have already done with the two other hatches.

Total Time Today: 1 hr

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