Saturday, August 10, 2019

Priming the V-berth

August 10, 2019

In nearly unbearable Florida heat, I managed to get the v-berth primed today - essentially from the new v-berth tops to the overhead.  I used an Interlux product - Interprotect 2000E epoxy-based coating designed to prevent water ingress in laminated fiberglass hulls.  The 2000E primer is a tough as nails paint, and will serve well as the primer base for the Interlux Premium Yacht Enamel that I will finish the interior with.  I did select the semi-gloss finish to appear a bit easier on the eyes while hanging out below.

I had a bit of sanding to do on the overhead and side deck to cabin sides transition, so once I had those knocked out I was ready to proceed with the painting.  Back in the shop, I mixed a 24oz batch of the 2000E and set it to the side to allow for the two-part epoxy system to go through its catalyzing phase.  While the paint was doing in chemical thing, I used the time to thoroughly wipe down the interior surface of the v-berth with solvent.  

With the residual dust and detritus removed, I began priming the surface.  I started forward, priming the chain locker / collision bulkhead and the overhead in the forepeak.  I gradually worked my way aft, priming the surface with  both a 2" brush and a solvent-resistance foam roller.  

As worked my way aft, I primed both the starboard and port sides, working the overhead, hull sides, and v-berth tops.  (sorry for the blurry pic)

I finished up by priming the forward faces of the primary bulkheads, as well as some of the vertical surfaces of the v-berth.  In all, I applied two coats of the Interprotect 2000E primer paint.  Next step will be to sand the surfaces lightly and then apply the finish paint, the Interlux Premium Yacht Enamel.

Total Time Today: 3.75 hrs

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