Saturday, July 6, 2019

More Sanding & Fairing - Final Application of Fairing Compound

July 6, 2019

I imagined that I had dialed in the fairing of the coachroof and foredeck with yesterday's application of what I thought would be my last.  Wasn't to be, at least for the coachroof.  The foredeck is finished, faired smooth, and ready for primer paint.  The coachroof, turns out, would need a touch more.

I started the day by water-washing the areas that I had applied fairing compound in yesterday's work session, and with the amine blush thus removed, I then proceeded to sand those areas.  I started at the starboard coachroof repair, using 6" 80-grit hook and loop pads that almost want to make me trash what's left in the box - never will I again purchase this brand.

I moved into the center of the field, including the mast step.

Finally, I completed the sanding with the port side of the coachroof repair area.  I cleaned the surfaces by vacuuming most of the dust and debris, and then solvent-washed it to remove any remaining contaminates.  Using a straightedge tool and marking pencil, I located the areas that would need a bit more fairing compound.

With the coachroof ready for more work, I moved on to the foredeck and completed sanding the light skim coat I applied in yesterday's work session.  The foredeck is now complete....well, ready for primer paint.  A milestone nonetheless.

I moved back aft, into the cockpit, and began with the hand sanding routine to get the inside corners and tight radius transition between the perpendicular surfaces.  With that grueling portion of the sanding complete, I then turned my attention to the larger aft repair in the cockpit floor.  The second application of fairing compound nearly got the surface to fair, but nearly would not be enough, so I prepared for another application of fairing compound.  

After vacuuming and solvent-washing the cockpit, I prepared the material that I would need for this application of fairing compound.  I used the TotalBoat TotalFair epoxy-based two-part fairing compound for the balance of the fairing work that I had.  This two-part product is a quick mix and easy to apply.  It can be sanded within three hours of application, though I would be sanding in the next work session.

I applied the fairing compound to the repair area enclosing the old ice box.

I then moved down to the cockpit floor itself and applied a skim coat of this material there.  After touching up a few smaller areas, I transitioned to the coachroof.

I had marked the areas that were a bit shallow, and with a large knife and a large squeegee, I applied the fairing compound to the coachroof spots identified. I should have a rather quick sanding session to follow today's work, and hopefully primer will be in my near future.

Total Time Today: 4 hrs

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