Saturday, November 10, 2018

Interior Sanding (Part 1)

November 10, 2018

Getting back to the Allied 24 was of priority this weekend, since the past days and previous weekend were busy with alternate responsibilities.  The day's focus was grinding the interior paint and loose tabbing that had secure the forward anchor locker / collision bulkhead and the primary bulkheads.

I used a Porter Cable 7335 with a 6" PSA pad and 40-grit discs to begin with.  After my second 6" disc the adhesive surface layer decided it wanted to separate from the pad, rendering the PSA pad scrap bin worthy.  I tossed it, and replaced it with a 5" hook and loop pad.  I started back up with 5" 40-grit discs and completed the forward half of the boat.

I began in the anchor locker, worked my way back to the location of the starboard primary bulkhead.  I sanded the hull, stopping just above the v-berth and just below the hull-to-deck joint.  When I made it back to the starboard bulkhead, I moved back forward and repeated on the port side of the boat.  I managed to make a fine mess today.

Total Time Today: 3 hrs

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