Friday, August 17, 2018

Arrival Day - Allied Greenwich 24

August 17, 2018

The owner of the Allied 24 made arrangements for her delivery this 17th day of August - roughly three weeks from the date of my injury, more on that later.  The operators of hydraulic trailers are few and far between in the steamy south, so when you find a good one it is important to build a relationship!  I had passed on contact information to the A24 owner, and the delivery date was soon thereafter set.  She came in unencumbered, and without issue.

After a tough bout with the outboard motor, the owner couldn't resist trying his hand at assisting with the hydraulic trailer.

Eventually, we had the mast and boom placed alongside the work bay, all jack stands placed alongside the boat.

The recent addition of the concrete pad is already making for a much more enjoyable approach to the work at hand.

So, now to the injury update.  Like a 5-year old, I fell off my beach cruiser while on vacation in Michigan in July, breaking both my right ulna and right radius.  With surgery completed two weeks ago Thursday (8/2), I am on the mend, but will not be able to effect any great amount of work until the later part of September at the earliest.  It's frustrating, no doubt; however, I am blessed beyond expectation, and see His healing power at work!  In the mean time, I will scramble about her deck, cockpit and cabin to make a project list and prepare materials required for the impending refit.

The owner, a doctor located in the Florida Keys, has some exciting plans for his A24....and we can't wait to share them with you, dear reader. 

Total Time Today:  0 hrs

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